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Bond, James Bond. The most un-secret agent the world has ever known. Where ever he may be in the world there is …

Member websites

Some of our members have branched out into the wonderful world of web, they are: Clive Newnham author of Pogrom visit and …

Latest Novel Update

Just posted an update to my novel: Lo the Prophet @ enjoy a free 110 000 word download. This will as …

Novel update – Lo the Prophet

Just a quick note to say that I have now updated my novel, Lo the Prophet which you can download here

Bloggetty Blog

Well, Hi. Have always fancied my hand at blogging and now I have my chance. Isn’t it great? A wee bit of …

Take Me

Take my heart Take my soul Take me apart make me whole Feel my fever Cool my brow Make me a man …

To Be

The rain lashed against the motel window driven with spite by a cold easterly wind that whipped up sea crashing it into …