A strange feeling of satisfaction
It has taken me a long time to reach this moment. For the first time ever (and I mean ever) I feel that I have a manuscript which is ready for a publisher. This one has been through the hands of an independent editor, Stephanie Jane Dagg, who can be found here http://edit-my-book.com . This is the first time that I have submitted my work to someone who is completely unknown to me. The editor was free to be as harsh as she wanted to be, however Stephanie was an absolute pleasure to work with. I never had to wait to wait long for edits to be checked over. Her comments were always valid, even on the second (and final) run through she was concerned that I might still need to explain something or correct a piece for continuity, where no one else had spotted it.
So, what now? Well I’m going to change the name of the book and self-publish on Kindle and smashwords, while I look for a traditional publisher. That is where I meet my nemesis, the dreaded ‘synopsis and covering letter’ never having been any good at promoting myself. If anyone could lend an experienced hand it would be much appreciated.
I will keep anyone who is interested posted with the release date of ‘Young Warlock’. Now I feel ready and much more confident to get stuck into Fire and Thorn.
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